3 Pointers for Managing Content.

Terna Ortese
2 min readFeb 18, 2022


I thought to share pointers I have picked up in the course of pushing brands through social media.

Within the last 5 years, I having had the pleasure of managing content for a number of organizations, and have found that each of these organizations have their own expectations, but the common denominator is that all them are set on scaling as much as they are looking to engage their target customer/clients base efficiently.

  1. Content: Creating content (text, images, still graphics and animation) is a big chunk of providing this service, and you have got to work smart, use feedback to review and modify, etc. You must also research relevant industry trends and insights.
  2. Improvements: Of course there are challenges, but these only serve to help you explore and develop new strategies, implement new operational policies to effectively drive these brands. You need to stay flexible here.
  3. Expectations: I have also learnt that it is a job my team cannot do in isolation. We share and collaborate with marketing teams, and to some extent, the HR. There are also platforms, technologies and software to deploy.

To be successful, there are measures, targets and time frames for deliverables which are defined by the terms of, and period of, engagement. A major requirement of the job, or any other job.

I am still open to learning from experiences of the #mediumcommunity as well. So, if you may, please share your angle. I had like nothing more than to take on new opportunities, with associated benefits and challenges put together.

Leave a comment, and let’s connect on LinkedIn as well.




Terna Ortese

Terna is a creatively driven writer with motivations in design thinking, content idea, process optimization and automation.